Fragments of Joy


Fragments of Joy, Installation at Rue Fleuriau, La Rochelle. Photo by Mélanie Chaigneau.


Fragments of Joy explores the themes of attachment, self-construction, and self-fragmentation, with a particular focus on the development of young minority individuals in our contemporary society.

Inspired by the narratives of fictional superheroes from popular culture, this series portrays children in struggle, abandoned and marginalized by society, thus becoming the true superheroes of the real world. Iconic figures of the anti-racist struggle, such as Gianna Floyd, the daughter of George Floyd, and Assa Traoré, a symbol of the Black struggle in France, are also represented in the roles of Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, contributing to the anti-racist and anti-discrimination fight.

These artworks offer a new face to the iconic comic book characters, with the superheroes' names featured on their t-shirts, which give the works their titles. These found objects are transformed in the workshop and then temporarily reintroduced into the street. This multidisciplinary artistic practice, combining photography, painting, and performance, reinvents the appearance of the superhero and creates inclusive images that support social struggles.

The images are deliberately fragmented by the slats of the bed base, leaving the viewer to mentally complete the rest of the image.

acrylic on bed frame, boat varnish, steel frame

2014 - 2022